Graduate Students
There are many benefits to being a student member of PSPP including discounted events, discounted membership, mentorship, and networking! If you have any questions pertaining to graduate students membership benefits and PSPP involvement, please email our Graduate Student Representatives (Will Boyd, Sarah Williams, or Natalie Weaver), or our Graduate Student Committee members (Kee O’Toole, or Jourdan Porter)
Mentorship Program
Every year, graduate student members have the opportunity to be paired up with a psychodynamically trained clinician in the local area for regular mentoring sessions. This could be a year long relationship, multiple years, or a lifelong one. Dr. Barbara Goldsmith and Dr. Elena Cucco, the coordinators of this program, go through a very careful process for matching students with mentors based on their application. For more details please see the PSPP Mentorship Program page. Please note that you must be a PSPP Student Member to be eligible.
Division 39 Scholars Program
The Scholars Program is sponsored by several sections and committees within the Division, including:
Please visit Division 39’s website for more details about benefits, criteria, and deadlines: http://www.div39members.wildapricot.org/Scholar-Program.
PSPP Travel Award Application
PSPP makes funds available, on a yearly basis, to support our graduate students and early-career professionals who wish to attend Div 39’s Spring Meeting.
Under this Travel Award, we hope to offset some of the costs associated with registration, travel/lodging, and presenting to our members who demonstrate financial need.
Please watch for an announcement via both our mailing list and listserv several months before every Div 39 Spring Meeting!
A successful application will include:
A description of reasons for attending the Div 39 Spring Meeting and its connection to psychodynamic/psychoanalytic work
A description of expenses incurred with accompanying receipts (registration fees, conference travel and lodging expenses, poster preparation expenses, and presentation expenses constitute appropriate expenses)
The applicant must also demonstrate:
Living/working/studying in the Greater Philadelphia area
Evidence of interest in, and commitment to studying and promoting psychodynamic/psychoanalytic ideas
Contribution of service hours to PSPP, past, present, or pledge for future service, along with current membership status
Brief statement of financial need. Please limit your application to 500 words or less
Graduate Student Representative
Graduate students who are interested in becoming more directly involved with PSPP may want to consider joining the PSPP board as a graduate student representative. Individuals who have served in this capacity have had the opportunity to attend PSPP board meetings, collaborate with board members on various PSPP sponsored projects, as well as develop programming specifically geared towards meeting the professional development needs of graduate students. Please contact the current Graduate Student Representatives and/or Graduate Student Committee members to learn more about this opportunity.
Student Membership
If you have an interest in psychoanalytic and/or psychodynamic thought and its application, and are currently enrolled in a Doctoral, Master’s or Medical Program in psychology, social work, psychiatry, or other mental health profession. You can register for a Student Membership for only $20.00 a year. Learn More
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